Télécharge gratuitement mon pack procédural : une texture procédurale + un outil anti-répétition de textures

What the icons means

What the icons means

On the thumbnails of the assets you can see differents icons : The material requires UV unwrap The material or the layer use bump only The material or the layer use bump and displacement The material or layer has been thought to work on a surface (walls, ground,...
What the icons means

How to use

General idea | Exemple | Special case | Limitations General idea Layerd materials is based on the asset library of Blender. You can simply drag and drop layers into the shader editor and place it just before the material output. You can place several layers on the...
What the icons means

How to setup

1. Extract the archive in your asset libraries folder 2. Go to Edit ⮕ Preferences (Ctrl ,) 3. Clic the + button in File path > Asset library, select the Layers folder. Choose « Append » as import method for the layers that use emptys to work properly. Layered...